About me


Me, myself and I

Hi there! 

I'm Femke Seynaeve. 33 years old and living in Belgium, West Flanders. 

I have a lovely partner and 3 kids who support me in whatever silly thing i want to do. Next to being a mom, my other fulltime job and hobby is my truck. With a white and blue interior of course and a giant gorilla sticker on the back.

Watching some football with the fur family!

If i come home early i go to the gym and build some muscle. And after all my parenting duties i work on my commissions or fursuit stuffs with some music and a box full'o skittles and nerds candy. 



How it started

I always have been creative and geeky with a mind full of fantasy: drawing, miniature painting, dungeons and dragons, Lord of the rings, harry potter, nature films and series, David Attenborough, boardgames...LOTS of boardgames, World of warcraft and many more stuff like that. But i never found something that satisfied the combination of all those things: creating stuff, animals and the geek world.

It all started in 2021 where random tiktok videos about furries started to pop up... And well.. from nothing to POOF! Giant white ice gorilla. You know how that goes ;). I decided i would make my own fursona: Kalu Frostrhime an ice gorilla based on a World of Warcraft NPC. Yea, the perfect example to begin with: no tutorials, no premade stuff, nada, nothing. Gorillas aren't exactly popular in the fandom. I never touched a sewing needle or sewing machine before. Nonetheless, i wanted a gorilla and i WILL have one!


Surprisingly the head turned out great (from the outside) in my opinion. If you take a closer look at him, and i mean really close you can see all the screw ups LOL. One day i may make a Kalu 2.0 head version with all the stuff i have learned ^^


I started making more things for my family and myself and noticed, if i may say so, i was pretty good at it. Other people said i had talent and should do something with it. I decided to take on a first commission of paws. This person told me: if those paws look so good, i cannot wait to see how mine will look. He trusted me 100% that i would do good. And it was good. I am still very grateful because he was the reason i knew i could do more and believed in my skills. It may have been a normal paw commission for him, but for me it was a cornerstone in where i am now.


In the meantime im taking sewing lessons too (made possible with Charlie and the sewing factory) to further enchance my skills and professionalism.


My goal is to specialize in rare and exotic species. Why? because i like unique stuff and to help other people that want a unique fursuit like myself. Like mentioned before, i had nothing to look at for examples or no tutorials because primate fursuiters that post tutorial videos are as good as non-existent.  I stared hours at gorilla anatomy pictures. On my tiktok you can see how i made certain stuffs, like my apefeet and my gorilla foambase or muscle suit. "Ape together strong"! And if i can help my ape brethren and sisters i'll be happy.